Other courses
More information:
We do not require prior experience or great physical shape, only your interest and
enthusiasm to train matter!
You can start fitness boxing training right away if you know the basic techniques. Beginners
can first attend basic classes in fitness boxing which are organised during certain times along
our basic courses. In basic classes of fitness boxing, you will learn about boxing stance,
moving, punching, dodging and blocking, training in pairs and using different equipment and
punchbags. A basic class is a good way to take the first steps in fitness boxing training or
refresh memory and remember techniques after a break; It takes from 2 to 5 hours to learn
the basics. After that, it is easy to continue training in normal classes of fitness boxing.
The course price is 116 EUR for 10 training sessions. There is no other fee. The ten-visit card is valid for 4 months from the moment of purchase.
Training sessions
Tuesday at 17:00-18:00
Thursday at 18:00-19:00
Saturday at 11:00-12:00
Mon at 18.00-19.00
Wed at 18.00-19.00
More information about the course: info(at)combat.fi or by phone during the gym’s working
Käyntiosoite: (Combat Academy Helsinki
(Y 2431996-4)
Sörnäisten rantatie 29
00500 Helsinki
Puh./Tel. 050 433 2353
PKMI KRAV MAGA POLISH MILITARY CAMP 13 spring camp – Wlodek Kopec, FEKM krav maga 3. D ja Piotr Lizak, FEKM krav maga 3. D – both days
Sat 22.3.2025
10.00-12.00 and 13.30-16.30
Sun 23.3.2025
10.00-12.00 and 12.30-14.3098 € (if paid by 3.3.2025 88 euro) ()The head instructor will be Wlodek Kopec, FEKM krav maga 3. D ja Piotr Lizak, FEKM krav maga 3. D, Poland)
Of the divisions of krav maga, the camp will go over soldier, official and civilian techniques.CAMP SCHEDULE 22.-23.3.2025
Sat 22.3. Camp day 1
13.30-16.30Sun 23.3. Camp day 2
12.30-14.30Content: FEKM Krav Maga systems civilian, official and soldier techniques
For who: For all irreproachable people of legal age interested in krav maga, self-defense and close quarter fighting (identity card with) in addition to reservists, security professionals and all officials who carry weapons at their jobs.
You do not need prior experience in krav maga, self-defense or tactical courses to attend the camp.
Equipment: practise attire and equipment (gloves and guards)
Price: 98€ both days, 78€ for 1 day (if paid by 2.3. 88€ both, 68€ for 1 day)
Location: Combat Academy of Finland, Sörnäisten rantatie 29 C, 00500 Helsinki-Finland
Sign-up: https://www.combat.fi/kurssit/ (other courses), info@combat.fi or in the reception
Payment: Payment: straight online or in the reception (card, cash, sport benefits) before camp
The event will be marked on the PKMI krav maga pass at the event.
Sign-ups must be done a week before the latest, not including FEKM camps which the sign-up will be done with separate instructions!
Belt tests require a certain amount of national camps: check regulations at www.krav-maga.fi. -
PKMI KRAV MAGA POLISH MILITARY CAMP 13 spring camp –Wlodek Kopec, FEKM krav maga 3. D ja Piotr Lizak, FEKM krav maga 3. D – one day
Sat 22.3.2025
10.00-12.00 and 13.30-16.30
Sun 23.3.2025
10.00-12.00 and 12.30-14.30
Remember to mention which day!78 € (if paid by 3.3.2025 68 euro) ()The head instructor will be Wlodek Kopec, FEKM krav maga 3. D ja Piotr Lizak, FEKM krav maga 3. D, Poland)
Of the divisions of krav maga, the camp will go over soldier, official and civilian techniques.CAMP SCHEDULE 22.-23.3.2025
Sat 22.3. Camp day 1
13.30-16.30Sun 23.3. Camp day 2
12.30-14.30Content: FEKM Krav Maga systems civilian, official and soldier techniques
For who: For all irreproachable people of legal age interested in krav maga, self-defense and close quarter fighting (identity card with) in addition to reservists, security professionals and all officials who carry weapons at their jobs.
You do not need prior experience in krav maga, self-defense or tactical courses to attend the camp.
Equipment: practise attire and equipment (gloves and guards)
Price: 98€ both days, 78€ for 1 day (if paid by 2.3. 88€ both, 68€ for 1 day)
Location: Combat Academy of Finland, Sörnäisten rantatie 29 C, 00500 Helsinki-Finland
Sign-up: https://www.combat.fi/kurssit/ (other courses), info@combat.fi or in the reception
Payment: Payment: straight online or in the reception (card, cash, sport benefits) before camp
The event will be marked on the PKMI krav maga pass at the event.
Sign-ups must be done a week before the latest, not including FEKM camps which the sign-up will be done with separate instructions!
Belt tests require a certain amount of national camps: check regulations at www.krav-maga.fi. -
Tuesday at 17:00-18:00
Thursday at 18:00-19:00
Saturday at 11:00-12:00
You can also use lessons of Myyrmäki!116 €/ 10 times. There is no basic course for this sport in our Academy. You can join our training sessions whenever if you have basics.FITNESS BOXING – INTENSIVE EXCERSICE
Fitness boxing is an effective form of exercise suitable for women, men and young people of all ages who would like to do intensive and fun exercise with boxing techniques. There is no competing in fitness boxing, but you can burn calories, defeat neck and shoulder pain as well as stress with the help of the punchbag and a pair of gloves.FITNESS BOXING
– is diverse and has a positive impact on the whole musculoskeletal system
– is effective in terms of burning calories
– is fun and includes different kinds of training
– is challenging, since you learn how to master basic techniques
– is relaxing
– is affordable; a beginner only needs the gear suitable for indoor training
– builds self-confidence: basic technique is strengthened, the physical and mental shape is
improved by doing fitness boxing and training muscles
– prevents neck, shoulder or back pain and improves metabolism
– relieves and prevents stress
– suitable for the whole family as a hobbyROOTS IN TRADITIONAL BOXING
Fitness boxing is a physical sport which developed in the 1980s from competitive boxing. The match training was then left out completely and more focus was given to training with a punchbag and in pairs.WHO IS IT SUITABLE FOR?
Fitness boxing is suitable for women and men of all ages as well as young people as a combat sport and fitness training.START FITNESS BOXING TRAINING
There is no basic course for this sport in our Academy. You can join our training sessions whenever. The basics of fitness boxing are taught step by step.TRAINING CLOTHES
Outfit for indoor training, barefoot (or soft-soled shoes for indoor or boxing training). Please bring your own gloves if possible. We also have gloves in our gym for borrowing.FITNESS BOXING WITH A TEN-VISIT CARD
The ten-visit card is valid for 3 months from the moment of purchase. Visits left unused can be regained by purchasing a new ten-visit card.If you buy a ten-visit card, you can also join fitness boxing training in Myyrmäki
1. Payment has to be made before the first training session on the Combat Academy website – Go to Enrol and“Pay using online payment”:
– Choose “kuntonyrkkeily” and the place of training (Sörnäinen)
– Press “buy” and fill in personal information
– You can access contract terms by clicking ‘’Agree with the terms’’ and ‘’Basic course’’.
– You have to agree with the terms in order to continue
– Choose the payment method
– Your information and payment details are saved automatically
– Register at our gym reception before the training session, present your student certificate if you chose a student discount2. Payments can also be made at the gym reception at the beginning of the course. We accept cash, debit cards, common credit cards and acceptable ‘’Liikuntaseli’’ vouchers (exercise vouchers) in our gym office. In this case, you can enrol directly from the link on this page:
– Choose the option “I will pay at the gym in cash/ by card/ by exercise vouchers on the first training session.’’
Käyntiosoite: (Combat Academy Vantaa
(Y 2428096-7)
Liesikuja 7 (käynti Tuurakujan puolelta)
01600 Vantaa
Puh./Tel. 050 533 2313
Mon at 18.00-19.00 and
Wed at 18.00-19.00
You can also use lessons of Sörnäinen!116 € / 10 times. There is no basic course for this sport in our Academy. You can join our training sessions whenever.FITNESS BOXING – INTENSIVE EXCERSICE
Fitness boxing is an effective form of exercise suitable for women, men and young people of all ages who would like to do intensive and fun exercise with boxing techniques. There is no competing in fitness boxing, but you can burn calories, defeat neck and shoulder pain as well as stress with the help of the punchbag and a pair of gloves.FITNESS BOXING
– is diverse and has a positive impact on the whole musculoskeletal system
– is effective in terms of burning calories
– is fun and includes different kinds of training
– is challenging, since you learn how to master basic techniques
– is relaxing
– is affordable; a beginner only needs the gear suitable for indoor training
– builds self-confidence: basic technique is strengthened, the physical and mental shape is
improved by doing fitness boxing and training muscles
– prevents neck, shoulder or back pain and improves metabolism
– relieves and prevents stress
– suitable for the whole family as a hobbyROOTS IN TRADITIONAL BOXING
Fitness boxing is a physical sport which developed in the 1980s from competitive boxing. The match training was then left out completely and more focus was given to training with a punchbag and in pairs.WHO IS IT SUITABLE FOR?
Fitness boxing is suitable for women and men of all ages as well as young people as a combat sport and fitness training.START FITNESS BOXING TRAINING
There is no basic course for this sport in our Academy. You can join our training sessions whenever. The basics of fitness boxing are taught step by step.TRAINING CLOTHES
Outfit for indoor training, barefoot (or soft-soled shoes for indoor or boxing training). Please bring your own gloves if possible. We also have gloves in our gym for borrowing.KFITNESS BOXING WITH A TEN-VISIT CARD
The ten-visit card is valid for 3 months from the moment of purchase. Visits left unused can be regained by purchasing a new ten-visit card.If you buy a ten-visit card, you can also join fitness boxing training in Sörnäinen
1. Payment has to be made before the first training session on the Combat Academy website – Go to Enrol and “Pay using online payment”:
– Choose “kuntonyrkkeily” and the place of training (Myyrmäki)https://oma.enkora.fi/combatacademy/reservations2/reservations/shop/6/25/-
– Press “buy” and fill in personal information
– You can access contract terms by clicking ‘’Agree with the terms’’ and ‘’Basic course’’.
– You have to agree with the terms in order to continue
– Choose the payment method
– Your information and payment details are saved automatically
– Register at our gym reception before the training session, present your student certificate if you chose a student discount2. Payments can also be made at the gym reception at the beginning of the course. We accept cash, debit cards, common credit cards and acceptable ‘’Liikuntaseli’’ vouchers (exercise vouchers) in our gym office. In this case, you can enrol directly from the link on this page:
– Choose the option “I will pay at the gym in cash/ by card/ by exercise vouchers on the first training session.’’
Juniors THAI-/KICKBOXING martial arts school (9-13 v)
From Wed 8.1.2025 (because of Loppiainen)
On Mondays 17.00-18.00 ja
On Wednesdays 17.00-18.00You can also included in the middle of the season!
EnrolPrice: 1 x a week 137,00 €, 2 x week 199,00 € (in time 8.1.-21.5.2025). You can also included in the middle of the season! Ask for the price: info(at)combat.fiThai-/kickboxing junior course is a course aimed at 9–13-year-olds, where children have a chance to practise and learn martial arts in a safe environment in good spirit with new and old friends. During the course they will go through the basics and techniques of thaiboxing, kickboxing, boxing, BJJ and submission wrestling.
The Junior course is meant to strengthen and improve motor skills, mobility, concentration, social skills and self-esteem alongside of fun and versatile games.
In the course we train safely and with respect for others: in “Fighter is not a bully” -spirit, as the values of martial arts always include.
The course lasts the whole spring season and includes one or two practice per week.
On Mondays 17.00 – 18.00 and
On Wednesdays 17.00 – 18.00The course lasts the whole spring including two workouts per week; you can also buy once a week.
Price 8.1.-21.5.2025:
1 x a week 137,00 €
2 x a week 199,00 €